When do you expect cable cars to be running on High Street?
The Mornington Cable Car Re-construction project is reliant on obtaining sufficient funding, and as the availability of the funding is uncertain, there has been no completion date set.
How will construction be funded?
There are several avenues for funding.
Sponsorship, Grants, Regional and Government funding and returns on track sales and annual lease of cable car covered stops.
Will I be able to park my car in High Street when the cable car is running?
The current parking on High Street will not be affected except outside the Casino where angle parking will be replaced by horizontal parking.
Will I be able to pass the Cable Car as it travels up and down High Street?
As the cable car will be travelling at around 15 kilometres an hour there will be no problem in passing in the usual way, except when two cable cars pass each other on the road, this passing manoeuvre will take less than one minute.
Do I need to stop behind the Cable car when it has stopped to offload passengers?
Yes you will. The safety of passengers is paramount. The off and on loading of passengers will be short and should not delay your travel greatly. There will be a sign indicating that the Cable Car is stopping alerting any travelling vehicle well before the vehicle stops on the road.
Will the cable car be an added cost on my rates?
It is not our intentions to ask the Dunedin City Council for rates contributions or relief for the project, however it is the Council who decide where our rates are distributed and may act accordingly.
Will the cable car “pay for itself” once it is up and running?
As the route will be operated by a charitable trust, the capital gained from the operation will be returned to the operation, and it is envisaged through that process, the route will become financially viable. As the project becomes recognised outside of the City, visiting tourists trade will intensify, resulting in a greater capital gain each year of operation.
What about the Wellington Cable Car?
Their operation differs from the Mornington Cable Car project as it operates as
a funicular style system where there are two cars permanently attached to each end of a cable, one counterbalancing the other, only two vehicles can operate at any given time.
The Mornington operation relies on a moving endless wire rope running in an under-street channel. The Cable (or grip) car picks up the rope in order to move forward and releases it to instigate a stop. At peak time more than two vehicles can operate at the same time. This operation will be the only system outside of San Francisco and the only operation of its type in the Southern Hemisphere.